Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas, A Time Of Peace and Love

To all my family, friends , and everyone I pray that your Christmas will be a truly blessed one. May this Christmas be the best that you have ever had and that you will feel it's peace and joy throughout the coming year.

Scroll down below this entry to hear Christmas Songs.

"Christmas is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. For two millenniums, people around the world have been observing it with traditions and practices that are both religious and secular in nature. Christians celebrate Christmas Day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings form the basis of their religion. Popular customs include exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, attending church, sharing meals with family and friends and, of course, waiting for Santa Claus to arrive. December 25–Christmas Day–has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1870." Source: http://www.history.com/content/christmas

From Jacquie Lawson:
Season's Grewetings

The Snowdog

Santa's Jigsaw

From Blue Mountain:
Silent Night

Merry Christmas Everyone

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Let's Say Thanks

Let's remember all those serving us. Send a card to a military member free of charge offered by Xerox. No catch. You pick a card to send - add your own message.
Let's Say Thanks

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Be Thankful

Be Thankful
Author Unknown

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don't know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you're tired and weary
Because it means you've made a difference.

It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.

GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessing.

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.
- William Arthur Ward

No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.
- James Allen

Monday, November 9, 2009

Wishing You Many Friends and Laughter

Come, Join and set up your very own image gallery at VIP Image.

* Upload multiple pictures at one time
* Create public and private galleries
* Post comments on the images
* Add any image to your favorites
* Our dedicated servers host your images
* Link your photos in websites, email, blogs
* Register an account to manage your files
* Add tags to each of your photos
* Upload private images with password
* Share your images with friends and family (password protected)

Follow Me 2 VIP Image Gallery

Monday, September 7, 2009

Some Fun From Mama Rocks

I just felt like adding some things here to bring a smile and laugh to your day. These are from Mama Rocks.

1. Definitions

2. Cat, Men, and Dogs

3. The Over-the-Hill Swing

Hope you enjoyed. Come on back soon now, you hear?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Flash Movie Presentation: Colors

We look, we see, we take for granted the colors that bounce into our line of vision. We did not give our self the ability to see. We did not give our self the ability to see in color. Let us be full of gratitude for our ability to see our world in colors.

Come, travel with me as we watch our world unfold into magnificent realms of color.

Flash movie presentation from GreatDanePro Color

Monday, August 17, 2009

Inspiration Video

Here is a beautiful inspirational video made by a talented dear friend of mine, Shameem Faizuddin, better known to me as Sham. You can view more of her videos on YouTube by searching for "shamfaiz1".

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tennessee Birdwalk

I just had to share this one. It comes from Larry D. I think you will get a good laugh and some foot stomping from it. Let it play for a while - it will help you have a better day.

Laughter is good for every part of us.

God Bless You

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

You Have A Friend

Here is a flash movie that gives a tribute to our treasured friends that we call our pets. Our pets become part of our family. A friend and companion that loves us regardless of our self. Hope you enjoy.

Flash movie by Terri Pike. Music is "You've Got A Friend" by James Taylor


Monday, July 20, 2009

Oh! The Beautiful SW

Here is a special flash presentation for you from OldBlueWebDesigns.com. You will marvel at the beautiful of the SW part of the USA. Take your time and enjoy. Imagine when, year ago, the Native Indians and pioneers roamed this country.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

"There Must Be A Reason"

Taken from an email from Andie of Andie'sIsle.com

"This new presentation is one of the most difficult I've ever made.
Many tears fell from my eyes as I began.

My friend, Denny Martin, who is also a Music Producer and Songwriter in Nashville, sent me this song with a note saying that he had been seeking God's will about sharing his emotional and spiritual journey in song, after losing his 5 year old son to an illness.

Denny has poured his heart into this song and it is his hope and prayer that by sharing "There Must Be A Reason" in this presentation, through God's love, some healing will be passed on to others who have suffered such a devastating and unimaginable trial."

Please do share this flash presentation:

For Dial-up use this link: http://www.andiesisle.com/theremustbeareason.du.html

Monday, June 22, 2009

Piano in the Forest

Get ready to relax to the beautiful piano sound of Fernando Pereia. Listen to the sounds of nature as you are surrounded by the scenes of the great outdoors.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


"Words" and "Piano Peace"
Flash Presentations

Andie from Andieslsle.com sent me some new flash presentations that she just released and I decided to share her lovely work with you.

1. "Words"
"The words we speak can be a blessing to others or not - we choose."

2. "Piano Peace"
Enjoy the music of the piano and the beautiful melodies that Richard Berardi plays from his heart that are filled with love.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

You Are

The Path to Becoming Really Yourself

Here is a selection from one of my favorite websites for flash movies. Sing Cher Kwek shares with you many thoughts and blessings in her flash movie productions. She has many, so, please do take the time after watching this one, to look around.


Hope you enjoy and may the meaning of your life be in front of you...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Listen to Christian Music

Christian Music

Use the player below to listen to some beautiful Christian music. Pick the one you want to listen to and then minimize your screen and continue surfing the internet. The music will continue to play. When you wish to turn it off just maximize your screen and click the stop button.

World Prayer

Monday, May 11, 2009

Just Beautiful

If you have never visited the greatdanepromilitary.com site, you are in for a treat. Be sure to look around and you will find some great flash movies. Lots of military stuff to look at and see some of history.

There are so many great flash movies to view on this site it was difficult for me to pick which ones to place here. I hope you like the ones that I did select.



Natures Beauty and God's Words


Sunday, May 3, 2009

You Can Get Through It

We all at times feel like just giving up. When you have a day or time in your life when events are just to much for you to handle come to this page and forget how bad you think your life is.

This is a video about Nick Vujicic. Learn from his determination to live and get the most out of life. Be motivated by his message and keep on dreaming your dreams.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Time to Have Some Fun

Time to Smile and Share It!

This is a site that you need to bookmark and save: http://upchucky.com is the home page but I picked a flash movie from many available.

Are you ready to smile and pat your feet? If not get ready, here we go
Itty Bitty

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Music: Oldies: Rock n Roll

New Playlist Music Player added to bottom of page.

If you wish to listen to some Old Rock n Roll music scroll down to the bottom of this page. Sorry, but Blogger would not allow me to place the html for the music player inside this post.

I grew up dancing and listening to this music. In my opinion it is still the best music available.

Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia about the history and significance of this music to the music of today:
"Rock and roll (often written as rock & roll or rock ’n’ roll) is a form of music that evolved in the United States in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Its roots lay mainly in rhythm and blues, country, folk, gospel, and jazz. The style quickly spread to the rest of the world and developed further, leading ultimately to modern rock music.'

Classic rock and roll is usually played with one or two electric guitars (one lead, one rhythm), a string bass or (after the mid-1950s) an electric bass guitar, and a drum kit. In the earliest rock and roll styles of the late 1940s and early 1950s, either the piano or saxophone was often the lead instrument, but these were generally replaced or supplemented by guitar in the middle to late 1950s. The beat is essentially a boogie woogie blues rhythm with an accentuated backbeat, the latter almost always provided by a snare drum.

The massive popularity and eventual worldwide view of rock and roll gave it a unique social impact. Far beyond simply a musical style, rock and roll, as seen in movies and in the new medium of television, influenced lifestyles, fashion, attitudes, and language. It went on to spawn various sub-genres, often without the initially characteristic backbeat, that are now more commonly called simply "rock music" or "rock".

From Wikipedia

Monday, April 6, 2009

Quote of The Day

Do you like to read quotes? A lot of people do. Quotes can motivate and inspire us to continue on with our journey. And, give us food for thought.

Read Quote of The Day for motivation and inspiration. The quotes change daily so be sure to keep this blog link. When you visit again all you will have to do is look under the "Content" section and click on Quote of The Day.

Friday, March 20, 2009

One Solitary Life

Hope you enjoy this flash movie from Simple Truths

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Affirmations To Live By

will help you bring some positive changes into your life...

Just what are affirmations? Or what is an affirmation?
An affirmation is a statement that declares that something is true.

I have never really been one for using affirmations in my life. At least I did not think so. By nature I am basely a positive person. I think my father for this surviving attitude. But on examining my thinking processes, I discovered that although I may not write down affirmations to live toward, I have mentally used affirmations in my life to survive and move on.

I want to discuss with you and encourage you to immediately begin using affirmations in your life. They can be a means for you to accomplish whatever you want too. By using affirmations, you can change your life.

So, just what is an affirmation? To me, and simply put, an affirmation is a positive statement. For instance: “I am happy.” Not, “I will be happy.” Simple example but difficult for most of us to say and comprehend.

Bill Marshall has compiled a free ebook of Power Affirmations or choose to get the CD for $19.00. Below is a small sample from his ebook.

* I am now filled with faith, certainty, and confidence.
* I now create and feel these emotions in my body.
* I am now fearless, courageous, and bold.
* I now relive the most joyous moments of my life. And these moments inspire me to greater *confidence and a greater feeling of self-worth.
* I now walk and move with assurance, poise, and personal power.
* I now achieve my goals with joy and laughter.
* Whenever I set a definite goal, I take immediate action towards its attainment to create and sustain massive momentum.

Get your free Power Affirmations eBook and start changing your life.

Affirmations can be a very powerful avenue of reprogramming our unconscious mind. They can be most effective when repeated in a quiet and restful state of mind and body.

You see, you do have the ability to use your inner being to bring about the changes you wish for in your life. Just how can you do this? By using affirmations.

The strongest and most well-known affirmation used by most of us is the word “Amen”. We do not think of “Amen” as being an affirmation when we say it. But, think of it this way: “Amen” means “so be it”. This word absolutely affirms the truth of whatever was written or said immediately prior to using it.

I do encourage you to write down any affirmations that you can come up with and to begin implementing them into your thinking processes. Start with one affirmation. Write down your affirmation on sticky notes or whatever...place them on your mirror, refrigerator, or where ever you will see them several times a day. Continue to repeat your affirmation to yourself as often as you can during the day.

Begin to visualize the change you are trying to make in your life. Just keep repeating until you believe it...and change will occur...

Below are some affirmations for you from Andrei Yashurin, http://unityway.net/blog
Be sure to sign up for his newsletter, Daily Affirmations.

Affirmation for Responsibility:
* I take complete responsibility for my thoughts, words, and actions.
* I take responsibility for being the person that I am.
* I refuse to spend my energy on blaming myself or others.
* My responsibility is my ability to respond positively to all that happens.

Affirmations for Forgiveness:
* I am set free from mistakes of the past. I accept forgiveness.
* I bless my past experiences, for they brought me to the place of understanding where I am now.

As you can imagine if you implement the use of affirmations into your life you will be richly rewarded.

Blessings to you...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sunset Slide Show by Cal

Cal began his website many years ago and since has gone to a better place. His work is beautiful and well worth the time to stop, watch, read, and meditate.

"God sent each person into the world with a special message to deliver, a special song to sing and a special act of love to bestow. No one else can speak my message or sing my song or offer my love.... these are entrusted to me." ~~ Cal

When the slide show ends be sure to wait and you will be taken to Cal's home page. Look around and enjoy his work and words.
