Thursday, December 23, 2010

'Tis The Season: Meaning of Christmas

What Does Christmas Mean To You?
Trying to decide what to buy...
Making your list of to-do things...
Decorating your home...
Christmas Tree...
Being with family and friends...
Traveling - Sharing - Rushing around to get things done...
And, the list could go on and on and on...

This is my favorite time of the year. During the Christmas Season I make myself slow down and reflect upon the joy and happiness that is meant to be the most important part of Christmas. Joy and happiness in giving.

As a matter of fact, I slow down and enjoy my days so much that it is a wonder that I get so much done. Maybe I need to do this every day not just during the Christmas season. I actually am able to get more done in a shorter period of time. Perhaps it has to do with attitude.

Yes, I do the shopping thingy but with the thoughts of having fun with it. I make it fun by watching so many others rushing, checking their list and walking fast to the next store. Baking and cooking stuff to give away is a big delight for me, not a drudgery. I suddenly find myself smiling for no apparent reason. But then again, maybe the smile is because of the reason for the season.

Like most of you, I too have family and friends that have left this earth. And, like you, I do think of them especially during this time of the year. I remember the fun times spent with them and what they have added to my life. 

So, what does Christmas mean to you? 

To me, Christmas means LOVE - Pure and simple but complex.
To me, Christmas means PEACE - Within my heart and being.
To me, Christmas means GIVING and SHARING - Me.
To me, Christmas means celebrating the coming of Christ...



what a LOVELY blog, elaine. so much to read and see and enjoy !

Nana Time said...

Enjoyed this, Merry Christmas, Elaine.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Donnamo. Many blessings to you and may 2011 be especially a blessing.