Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Reminder That Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Do feel free to laugh at will. 

 Blessed In Aging
~Esther Mary Walker
Blessed are they who understand
My faltering step and shaking hand
Blessed, who know my ears today
Must strain to hear the things they say.

Blessed are those who seem to know
My eyes are dim and my mind is slow
Blessed are those who look away
When I spilled tea that weary day.

Blessed are they who, with cheery smile
Stopped to chat for a little while
Blessed are they who know the way
To bring back memories of yesterday.

Blessed are those who never say
“You’ve told that story twice today”
Blessed are they who make it known
That I am loved, respected and not alone.

And blessed are they who will ease the days
Of my journey home, in loving ways.

This poem, as read by Mary Maxwell in the video
“A Reminder That Laughter is the Best Medicine.”
View the video online at


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Is Coming

This year Good Friday is April 22. Why do we recognize this day? Why is it so significant?

Jesus on the cross enduring pain and suffering for us.

Good Friday is a day that Christians recognize as a day to commemorate the passion or suffering and death on the cross of the Lord, Jesus Christ. It is a day that we should be praying and meditating about the agony and suffering that Jesus Christ endured for us.

 The good new is Easter Is Coming.

The drapes are removed. Jesus Christ is no longer on the cross. He has been risen from the dead. A time to celebrate. Our sins have been paid for. 

Celebrate! Celebrate! For the Lord has risen. Give thanks and be blessed.
Easter Is The Gift...

Easter is the gift of HOPE
Easter is the gift of PEACE
Easter is the gift of LOVE
Let us rejoice in Him,
Who gives them all.

May God bless you at Easter,
And keep you all year through.
May God give you all the faith it takes,
To make your dreams come true.
May His love and wisdom always help,
To guide you on your way.
May His light shine down upon you now,
To bless your Easter Day.
Source: Sassy Cats

May you be forever blessed.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happiness Is An Inner Thing

The road of life is a different adventure for each of us but one of the things we have in common on this journey is the need for happiness along the way.  So, just what is happiness? It seems to be a mystery to many scholars especially when trying to come up with a definition.

According to Wikipedia: 
"Happiness is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy." Definitions vary between philosophers and religious leaders. They all conclude that happiness is a state of mind.

Notice the wording, "mental state." This would infers that happiness has nothing to do with anything outside of our own thinking pattern. Actually, I tend to agree with this definition.

For instance, I think we can be poor has a cleaned off corn cob and still be happy. It is all a matter of how you think about yourself and your circumstances. Certainly this might not be the easiest emotion to have when you don't have enough money to buy food to feed your family or pay your bills so the collection folks will leave you alone. But, those things are outside tragedies just trying to keep you from being content and happy with yourself.

You see, happiness has to do with how we perceive our self. It is a inner personal thing. Not something outside of our minds that influences our lives. Does that make sense?   

"The greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion. The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being."
- Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lamat 

You have total control of your own happiness! Be sure to use this control.