Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

Happy Halloween

Halloween Word Search Puzzle. Just for fun. See if you can find all of the Halloween words. 

Puzzle Source: You can find more Halloween word search puzzles at this link. 

The ghosts will be floating above
The goblins will be out and about
Some will be tricking 
While others will be giving.

The witches on their supper brooms will be lurking
To find those staying out beyond the time
Just to make sure you are careful.

Skeletons will be rattling
Children will be screaming
Parents will be laughing but watching with a keen eye
To make sure that all is safe.

Candies will be loaded into the bags
Later to be eaten by all. (Especially me if anything is left over.)

Some Resources For Halloween:

Hoping you enjoy this Halloween. Stay safe. 

Please remember all those enduring the after math of Super Storm Sandy. Some children will not be having Halloween tonight due to the devastation in their area. Halloween for them will be this Saturday, Nov. 3rd or when established by the authorities.  

Our prayers go out to all that lost love ones and property. May His loving Grace and Mercy sustain you.
