Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Where Will You Be?

As I sit here typing this post I am listening to old time Christmas music. I can't listen to Christmas music without singing along, moving with the music and feeling a bit
of nostalgic with memories of years past. Yes, I am taking a trip down my history's lane when Christmas was full of joy, family and friends. Giving and receiving the gifts and
love from everyone.

 No, I am not having a pity party. I am remembering with love and glee the times of my past during this, my favorite season of the year. No matter what, I love the Christmas season.
Yes, it is the most wonderful time of the year.

No snow here but that's certainly okay by me. No drooping limbs from being covered with
snow.  No snowman being built. No snow balls being rolled and thrown at your mark.
No slink roads to try to maneuver. There will be lots of rain falling on the highways
so it still might be a little slower driving.

It has been a spiritually strengthening year for me. It has been difficult. I lost my uncle that I dearly loved.
We were close. I loved being with him and doing things with him. I also lost my favorite
great uncle.

Then, I lost my dad. My rock that always gave me support and encouragement to keep going
no matter what. To look at life with optimism and adventure. To be kind to everyone. So much
more especially how to accept others no matter who they were or what they did. He always
had my back.

So, where will you be? Will you be with family and friends. With family? With friends?
Or, will you be by yourself? What will you be doing on this most Holy day?

I will be celebrating the life that I was given. Yes, there may be some tears but they will
be tears of fond memories. They will be tears of loss and a smile that I have truly be blessed.

No matter how your year has gone. No matter where you will be. No matter who you will be
with, even if you are alone, remember that this day you are one of the most blessed people
on this earth.

Do you know why you are so blessed? Because this day is the birthday of Jesus, the son of God.
There would be no Christmas if it were not for the birth of Jesus. That is what and why
we celebrate this day. Do Him proud and love yourself and others. Show your love; it may be
the last chance you have to do so.

Think of those that are alone. In hospitals. In the armed services. The elderly. The child that is fighting a terrible illness. The homeless. Those that are hungry from lack of food and guidance. Remember those that have just recently lost a loved one. Pray that they have the courage, strength and peace to get through this day with love in their hearts.

It has been many months since I last wrote a post for this blog. I just didn't have it in me.
Today, after fighting the idea of doing this, I finally gave in and wrote this. It is to all
those that are willing to read and be encouraged from the mighty love and power of this day.

My the way, here is the Christmas music that I have been listening to:

Do you hear what I hear? Do you see what I see? A star dancing in the sky...
Do you know what I know?

May you be blessed this day and each and every day of your life.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What Is The National Day of Prayer? #nationprayer

Across this nation millions will join together May 7, 2015, to pray for our nation and our leaders.
There are many of us that distrust our leaders of government. Some of that distrust is
warranted. The only solution is that we pray that greed and injustice be removed and gratitude replace it.

There are sources that believe this our 64th day of prayer will be the biggest in history. Each day should be a day of prayer not just on our designated National Day of Prayer. Just maybe if this happened it would help to bring us closer to an understanding and end a lot of turmoil. 

 We are living during a time that most of us never thought would happen. For those of us growing up in the 50s and 60s we were thankful when all of the riots, burnings and killings seem to stop. Now we are having to relive those days. It makes me sad that we have gone backwards in this country. Our country's foundation is showing many cracks and it is up to each of us to seal and fix those cracks.

“When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” – Psalms 11:3

We can be humble and righteous unto the Lord with our prays.

According to the National Day of Prayer Task Force this is a day to pray for our nation and its leaders.
I contend it is a day to pray not only for our leaders and nation but most importantly that we all
will seek to pray that we learn to live together as one nation in harmony with each other. The human being
at times is unable or unwilling to come to grips with life because of  bias, prejudice, mistrust, misjudgement and hatred. 

“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” I Timothy 2:1-2

God is faithful to those that turn to Him.

The idea of having a time of prayer for our nation goes back to 1775 when the Continental Congress
declared that there will be a time for prayer in forming our nation. Presidents from Lincoln in 1863
called for a day of prayer for the citizens to pray for this country. President Truman signed the first bill into
law that began the National Day of Prayer. President Reagan changed the law in 1988 to designate
the first Thursday in May to be the day that all people of any faith should gather and pray for the nation
that we live in.

"To all of those who believe in the spiritual power of prayer as essential to the health of our nation;
to all who believe that the multiple faiths of our country can inspire compassionate spirits and wise actions;
to all of those who hope and pray and work for a better world; to all of those who are persuaded that
the practice of prayer can transform us in body, mind, and spirit to such a degree that we can be
peacemakers and justice-bearers for all of God's children who have the inalienable right to
"life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," go ahead and pray freely, openly, and from the heart.
And do so knowing that we simply don't need the government to tell us how, where, or when to do it."
  J. Andrew Daugherty: www.twitter.com/DrewDaugherty

"May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you." Psalm 33:22

"The Almighty is waiting for Americans to turn back to Him in a posture of prayer and repentance. May we, this day, determine to surrender our ways to Him, giving God the honor He deserves so that, as Psalm 85 states, 'His glory may dwell in our land,'" said John Bornschein.

 May you be Blessed