Saturday, December 20, 2008

"Living From the Inside Out" Flash Movie

From Yanni Maniates

Yanni Maniates, MS, CMI is the founder of The Life Mastery Institute and has been teaching meditation, intuitive development, healing and metaphysical subjects since he was blessed with an experience of profound "Embrace" while in meditation 20 years ago, an experience that radically changed his life. The primary focus of his work is to help people experience "the Embrace," or what some call the "still, small voice within."

Yanni is the author of "Magical Keys to Self-Mastery: Creating Miracles in Your Life," and "Intuition is Easy and Fun." His book, "Intuition: The Key to Living Your Life 'in Passion' and 'on Purpose'" will be available soon. For more information about Yanni's work, see: and

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