My vision: To give back for the Blessed life I have received...Hoping gratitude will fill your heart; your life be full of strength to endure and love will be the path you travel upon.
Make a difference in your life and help someone else. Understand that there are riches available to each of us if only we take the right steps to get them. Take the wrong path and you will create for yourself a very difficult uphill road.
Take a stand and let's make each day we are given Earth Day. Let's protect and conserve our heritage of this earth and make it cleanly available for future generations.
Make a pledge to renew, not waste and not continue to destroy.
Pledge to clean up our environment. To plant. To sow seeds of life back into our earth so those that follow us will know we understood that without a green earth life is unsustainable.
"Earth day first began in the United States in 1970. This celebration was started by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson on April 22, 1970.
April 22 was selected because of its location in the year. The day was originally meant to be an educational day, so Nelson wanted to ensure that college students were going to be in session during this day. He felt that more people would be reached if they were in class during this time." (Source:
“Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.” ~ Cree Indian Proverb
It is up to each of us to respect and savor our earth that has been given to us freely.
Are you willing to take a stand and pledge to make each day Earth Day?
Our attitude can bring people closer to us or it can push them away.
Are you carrying around a pleasant personality or are you mad at the world? Down on yourself and everyone else? Your attitude can and will decide your fate. Your attitude decides if you have friends or not. Have you checked your attitude lately?
If you have checked it, Is your attitude worth catching?
How is your attitude?
King of Kings, for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! and Lord of Lords, for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
King of Kings, for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! and Lord of Lords, for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and He shall reign for ever and ever and He shall reign for ever and ever
King of Kings for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! and He shall reign for ever and ever, for ever and ever, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and He shall reign for ever and ever,
There is an old saying, "Take the time to stop and smell the roses." I have always loved being outdoors around and enjoying God's creations in nature. As I get older I wish I had taken more time to truly absorb the true inner beauty of what is given to us all to enjoy and be thankful for. I suppose I took it for granted. So sad.
A few years ago I recall seeing a beautiful sunrise as I drove home from work and saying to myself, "Thank you." Just two little words that speaks volumes of gratitude. Since then I have taken more time to allow myself to feel the wonders of what is all around me.
Thankfully I can now say that I live my life with much more gratitude in it for the marvels of life.
Louie Schwartzberg is well known for his wonderful time-lapse photography. In this video he brings to us a reminder that we should be living our life full of gratitude. Hope you enjoy.
I would love to know what you think about living your life full of gratitude. Just leave me a comment below.