Monday, November 11, 2013

I Salute You

Veterans Day November 11, 2013

I could have used any video for this post but this one stands out among the many. Remember Me, is a video that was uploaded to Youtube in 2006. It was created by a young teen age girl. This has to have been a young lady that had the wisdom and feeling way beyond her years.

I salute all military service personnel that have served and are serving today including their families. We owe you so much that we can never repay. Just know that we do care.

Our military service of today are all volunteers. Years ago it wasn't like this - our family and friends were drafted. Does this make a difference? 

They all serve to keep us safe no matter how they entered the service. Even when we had a draft system in this country many volunteered to go off and fight, to put their life on the line, to serve our country. Many giving their life to keep us free. 

Never forget the great service that these men and women do for you and me. 

Show your appreciation. Just use one of the links below or use a site that you already know:

There are many sites to show our appreciation to our veterans and military service personnel. If you know of one not listed above please leave a comment below with the link of such a site. 

No matter what your feelings are about war, the men and woman serving this country are not the problem. Be sure you understand this and show your discontent to the responsible entity. Never take out your frustration and disdain on those that are doing their job for all of us. After all is said and done, our veterans of yesterday and today are what has kept us free from the tyranny we now see in so many other countries.

Thank you

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