Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year

Good bye 2012 

Hello 2013 

Another year is going down in our history and a new year is coming to us. On this night of wishing in a new year I reflect back on the year that is leaving. 

2012 for me was a trying year full of unwanted news and surprises that I could have done without. As I look back I see myself growing in understanding and gratitude, what it takes to survive and keep going. I learned many lessons about life and that nothing is worth giving up for. 
Even at my age I still strive to learn and grow in wisdom so as not to swindle up, dry up and give up.

My 2013 Wishes For You:

That You Realize That Life is Good!!!
That You Hold Your Family and Friends With Appreciation and Love!
Know That Fear and Stress Will Come But You Have The Power To Overcome!
Be Forever Grateful For All Even The Smallest Things and Especially For Those Things That You Already Have!
That You Will Be Not Afraid To Say "I Love You"!

That You Learn To Relax and Enjoy Life!
That You Will Sleep Like A Baby and Await With Energy and Vigor!
That You Will Have Enough!!!

"We spend January 1 walking through our lives,
room by room,
drawing up a list of work to be done,
cracks to be patched.
Maybe this year,
To balance the list,
we ought to walk through,
the rooms of our lives,
not lurking for flaws,
but for potential."
Ellen Goodman

2013 Sydney New Year's Eve Fireworks 

Happy New Year 2013
From Me To You,

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

With all of the rush and stress of preparing for Christmas I wish you many blessings. Getting all of the presents ready to be torn apart. Christmas trees being put up and dressed up. Menus being planned and food being bought. Perhaps even travel is part of your rushing around. Making sure that everything is done and ready for that special day. All of this has become a part of Christmas. I hope you make fun out of it like I do instead of a chore. 

I love this time of year because there seems to be a different sense in the air. A sense of glee,  unselfishness and peace. Let's try to keep this sense within us throughout the coming days and years. I realize that it may be hard but we can't change some things and those things that we can change let's make an all-out effort to do. 

Perhaps this feeling of peace comes from the fact that this is the day we celebrate the gift given to us through the birth of Jesus Christ.

Did you know that Christmas has been a federal holiday in the USA since 1870? The USA is not the only country that celebrates Christmas. Christmas is celebrated around the world each year both on a religious level and also a secular level. It is a time that is important to all people on earth.

It has become so commercialized that many people in all their hurry to get things done forget what Christmas really is. How could we remember with all of the commercials and special sales that are before us every where we look. Our email is even full of more spam with ads during this season. Some websites run more ads trying to entice us to click and buy. Truth be known we probably do spend more money this time of year than any other.

I have seen very few ads say Merry Christmas. How about you?

When out and about and someone says Happy Holidays to you how do you respond?  Today while paying to have my van washed the girl taking my money said Happy Holidays to me. That was nice of her but I was waiting for it and responded with Merry Christmas. I have gotten to old to care about 'political correctness'.

I have to agree with Ray Stevens in his new video below:

My wish for you: 
That the blessings of Christmas be with you throughout the coming year and for all the years to follow.  May the Spirit be with you to lead you in all your ways. May you have food to eat and a roof over your head for shelter. May you find comfort when stressed. That you know that you are loved.

May we all learn to live in peace and to love each other regardless of our differences.

Merry Christmas


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Festival of Lights: Hanukkah

Happy Hanukkah

Happy Hanukkah

Hanukkah began tonight at sunset and will continue for eight days, ending December 16 at the setting of the sun. On the Hebrew calendar the dates would be 25 Kislev to 2 Tevet in the year 5773.

Each day a candle is lit by the shamash, located taller, lowest candle or to the side, (on the nine branch candelabrum commonly called a menorah (The candelabrum for Hanukkah is called a hanukkiah to distinguish itself from the seven-branch menorah used in the Temple and described in Exodus 25.) 

On the eighth day all eight candles be burning. 

Hanukkah is also referred to as Chanukah, Chanukkah, Chanuka, Festival of Lights and Festival of Dedication.

"We light these lights for the miracles and the wonders, for the redemption and the battles that you made for our forefathers, in those days at this season, through your holy priests. During all eight days of Hanukkah these lights are sacred, and we are not permitted to make ordinary use of them except for to look at them in order to express thanks and praise to Your great Name for Your miracles, Your wonders and Your salvations."

Hanukkah also referred to as Festival of Lights, is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BCE. 

The Maccabees successfully rebelled against Antiochus IV Epiphanes. According to the Talmud, a late text, the Temple was purified and the wicks of the menorah miraculously burned for eight days, even though there was only enough sacred oil for one day's lighting.

Visit Jewish.TV for more Jewish videos.

"We thank You also for the miraculous deeds and for the redemption and for the mighty deeds and the saving acts wrought by You, as well as for the wars which You waged for our ancestors in ancient days at this season. In the days of the Hasmonean Mattathias, son of Johanan the high priest, and his sons, when the iniquitous Greco-Syrian kingdom rose up against Your people Israel, to make them forget Your Torah and to turn them away from the ordinances of Your will, then You in your abundant mercy rose up for them in the time of their trouble, pled their cause, executed judgment, avenged their wrong, and delivered the strong into the hands of the weak, the many into the hands of few, the impure into the hands of the pure, the wicked into the hands of the righteous, and insolent ones into the hands of those occupied with Your Torah. Both unto Yourself did you make a great and holy name in Thy world, and unto Your people did You achieve a great deliverance and redemption. Whereupon your children entered the sanctuary of Your house, cleansed Your temple, purified Your sanctuary, kindled lights in Your holy courts, and appointed these eight days of Hanukkah in order to give thanks and praises unto Your holy name." ~~ Translation of Al ha-Nissim

May the warmth and glow of each candle bring you peace...
May your heart and home be filled with blessings...
May we all re-dedicate our life to meaning of this season...

Happy Hanukkah

This post is not intended to give the full meaning of Hanukkah. All information in this post was gathered from the resources listed below. If there are errors in this post concerning Hanukkah I do apologize.




Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November 11, 2012

This coming Sunday, November 11 is Veterans Day. No, Monday is not Veterans Day. Let us all honor those that have served and those that are serving now by flying our American Flag, by saying "Thank you" and by giving to our current soldiers. 

Here are some ways to say thanks and to give back:




In the USA Veterans Day is set to be on November 11. You can see though that this happens to be Sunday so Monday, Nov. 12 is designated as a Federal Holiday. Government offices, banks, wall street and such will be closed. Monday will be a day off of work for some. This does not mean that Veterans is Monday. Veterans Day is Sunday.

This video was done by the Dept. of Veteran Affairs in 2010:

The American flag is a symbol of freedom and justice for all. A symbol of unity. To be honored and respected by all living in this country. It is a symbol of the blood that was shed by those that so bravely gave their all to protect us. It is the symbol that our soldiers now serve under.

Do you respect the American Flag? Do you know how to respect your flag? Here are tips from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs and our Senate:

*Should be flown from sunrise to sunset, unless it’s illuminated during dark.
*Should not be subject to inclement weather — rain, snow and windstorms — unless it’s an all-weather flag.
*Should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously.
*When carried in procession with other flags, it should be either on the flag’s right or to the front and center of the flag line.
*Should not be draped over a vehicle in a parade.
*In a group of flags displayed from staffs, it should always be at the center and at the highest point.
*When displayed from a staff projecting from a building, the union should be at the peak.
*When flags of states, cities or organizations are flown on the same staff, it must be at the top.
*When displayed against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the observer’s left.
*Should never be used as a covering for a statue or a monument.
*Should never be displayed with the union down.
*Should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, floor or water.
*Should never be used as apparel, bedding or drapery.
*When it is no longer a fitting emblem for display (worn or soiled), it should be destroyed, preferably by burning.

Here is a great quiz to find out just how much you know about Veterans Day. It is taken from the Home Depot site: See how well you can answer the questions.

1. The original name for Veterans Day was _____ _____.
2. What’s the main difference (besides the date) in Veterans Day and Memorial Day?
3. True or false: Britain, France, Australia, and Canada also commemorate the veterans of World Wars I and II.
4. True or false: Britain and France call the day they remember veterans, “Remembrance Day.”
5. What famous WWII American military hero was born on Nov. 11–although he was born in 1885, before Veterans Day was officially proclaimed?

Thank you...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

Happy Halloween

Halloween Word Search Puzzle. Just for fun. See if you can find all of the Halloween words. 

Puzzle Source: You can find more Halloween word search puzzles at this link. 

The ghosts will be floating above
The goblins will be out and about
Some will be tricking 
While others will be giving.

The witches on their supper brooms will be lurking
To find those staying out beyond the time
Just to make sure you are careful.

Skeletons will be rattling
Children will be screaming
Parents will be laughing but watching with a keen eye
To make sure that all is safe.

Candies will be loaded into the bags
Later to be eaten by all. (Especially me if anything is left over.)

Some Resources For Halloween:

Hoping you enjoy this Halloween. Stay safe. 

Please remember all those enduring the after math of Super Storm Sandy. Some children will not be having Halloween tonight due to the devastation in their area. Halloween for them will be this Saturday, Nov. 3rd or when established by the authorities.  

Our prayers go out to all that lost love ones and property. May His loving Grace and Mercy sustain you.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Soft Music For You To Enjoy

With all the stress and mess in your life perhaps it is time to take a breather and chill out from all of the clutter. You may want to watch the first time with your eyes open so you can see the beautiful scenes. Then replay each video with your eyes closed. Sit back, relax and allow the music to sooth your mind.

Hope you feel better now.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

What Does Memorial Day Really Stand For?

Have you considered what Memorial Day means to you?

Does it mean time off from work? Gathering with family and friends? Eating hotdogs, hamburgers and the like? Traveling? Playing on the beach? Lounging around watching the TV? Drinking too much beer? Fireworks? Parades? Shopping?

Sure it does mean all of the above and much more! Are you taking the time to say, "Thank You"? Are you remembering to say "Thank You"? Does it even cross your mind? I suspect that all of us have had family members killed in some war action somewhere. Do your thoughts include them?

"A tribute to those who gave all...Remember their sacrifice and courage, today and every day. The song for this video is Guardian Light from the history channel's series WWII in HD."

Memorial Day which use to be called Decoration Day is a day set aside to honor and to give recognition to those that gave their life for us to be free. There would be no such day without this meaning. Let's remember at least at some point on this day to say "Thank You." Better than that, how about doing this every time you come in contact with someone in a military uniform.

Let's not forget the sacrifice that the family and friends bear for us.

Please Lord let me remember what this day truly means...



Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day, May 13, 2012

Hope you enjoy the movie, Heart of A Mother, where a mother's love is portrayed in a beautiful floral design that's a feast for the eye as well as the soul. Each flower represents a different characteristic of mothers.

Mothers love your children.
Children love your Mother.

Now for some humor and fun...

Why did God make mothers?
Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions:

Why did God make mothers?
1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2. Mostly to clean the house.
3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.

How did God make mothers?
1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
3. God made my mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts.

What ingredients are mothers made of?
1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.
2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think.

Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom?
1. We're related.
2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's mom like me.

What kind of a little girl was your mom?
1. My mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff.
2. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
3. They say she used to be nice.

What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?
1. His last name.
2. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook? Does he get drunk on beer?
3. Does he make at least $800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?

Why did your mom marry your dad?
1. My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my mom eats a lot.
2. She got too old to do anything else with him.
3. My grandma says that mom didn't have her thinking cap on.

Who's the boss at your house?
1. Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goof ball.
2. Mom. You can tell by room inspection.. She sees the stuff under the bed.
3. I guess mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.

What's the difference between moms and dads?
1. Moms work at work and work at home and dads just go to work at work.
2. Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3. Dads are taller and stronger, but moms have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friends.
4. Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.

What does your mom do in her spare time?
1. Mothers don't do spare time.
2. To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.

What would it take to make your mom perfect?
1. On the inside she's already perfect.. Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.
2. Diet. You know, her hair. I'd diet, maybe blue.

If you could change one thing about your mom, what would it be?
1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid of that.
2. I'd make my mom smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did it not me.
3. I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back of her head.

When you stop laughing at the children's answers -- How about sharing the laugh.


Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Push - Encouragement

We sometimes underestimate the power of encouragement. So many times one act of kindness, or one word of encouragement, can change a life forever. 

This movie, The Push, gives us encouragement to inspire someone else today - to give a loving push.

"Fall seven times, stand up eight." ~ Japanese Proverb


“You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.” ~ Jim Stovall


A push (encouragement) can be the greatest gift we ever receive or the greatest gift we can give to someone else. Sometimes we need a bit of encouragement and sometimes we need to give it to another.

A push can come in many forms:
Action - actually doing something
And what about Silence? Really?
Can you think of other ways to encourage someone else?

I really like what Janet Hou wrote as a comment below the movie: "to know when to "push" and how to "push" and where to "push", is the challenge in life; not the concept of "the push" itself, I think. :)"

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

When is the last time you gave a bit of encouragement to another? What about today? What about now?

May you be Blessed and also be a Blessing to someone else...


Monday, April 30, 2012

What Are You Seeking First?

Make a difference in your life and help someone else. Understand that there are riches available to each of us if only we take the right steps to get them. Take the wrong path and you will create for yourself a very difficult uphill road.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Elaine's Vision: Earth Day 2012

Elaine's Vision: Earth Day 2012

Earth Day 2012

Earth Day 2012*

Take a stand and let's make each day we are given Earth Day. Let's protect and conserve our heritage of this earth and make it cleanly available for future generations.

Make a pledge to renew, not waste and not continue to destroy. 

Pledge to clean up our environment. To plant. To sow seeds of life back into our earth so those that follow us will know we understood that without a green earth life is unsustainable.

"Earth day first began in the United States in 1970. This celebration was started by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson on April 22, 1970.

April 22 was selected because of its location in the year. The day was originally meant to be an educational day, so Nelson wanted to ensure that college students were going to be in session during this day. He felt that more people would be reached if they were in class during this time." (Source:

“Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.” ~ Cree Indian Proverb

It is up to each of us to respect and savor our earth that has been given to us freely.

Are you willing to take a stand and pledge to make each day Earth Day?

Happy Earth Day


*Source for picture:

Friday, April 20, 2012

True Story

This should bring a smile to your heart. 
Tears to your eyes.

Winning doesn't always mean the ending score on the scoreboard.

Hope you enjoyed. If this video touched you then leave a comment and let me know. Thanks



Friday, April 13, 2012

How Is Your Attitude?

Our attitude can bring people closer to us or it can push them away.

Are you carrying around a pleasant personality or are you mad at the world? Down on yourself and everyone else? Your attitude can and will decide your fate. Your attitude decides if you have friends or not. Have you checked your attitude lately?

If you have checked it, Is your attitude worth catching?
How is your attitude?

Many Blessings...

Sunday, April 8, 2012


King of Kings,
for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
and Lord of Lords,
for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

King of Kings,
for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
and Lord of Lords,
for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

King of Kings, and Lord of Lords,
and He shall reign for ever and ever
and He shall reign for ever and ever

King of Kings
for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
and He shall reign for ever and ever,
for ever and ever,
King of Kings,
and Lord of Lords,
King of Kings,
and Lord of Lords,
and He shall reign for ever and ever,

King of Kings,
and Lord of Lords.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Living Life Full of Gratitude

There is an old saying, "Take the time to stop and smell the roses." I have always loved being outdoors around and enjoying God's creations in nature. As I get older I wish I had taken more time to truly absorb the true inner beauty of what is given to us all to enjoy and be thankful for. I suppose I took it for granted. So sad.

A few years ago I recall seeing a beautiful sunrise as I drove home from work and saying to myself, "Thank you." Just two little words that speaks volumes of gratitude. Since then I have taken more time to allow myself to feel the wonders of what is all around me.

Thankfully I can now say that I live my life with much more gratitude in it for the marvels of life.

Louie Schwartzberg is well known for his wonderful time-lapse photography. In this video he brings to us a reminder that we should be living our life full of gratitude. Hope you enjoy.

I would love to know what you think about living your life full of gratitude. Just leave me a comment below.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Pushing Your Limits

In May of this year Ben Lecomte will attempt a feat of enduring passion, swimming across the Pacific Ocean. Why would anyone in their mind even consider such a dangerous endeavor?

Ben is credited with being the first to swim across the Atlantic. He did so to raise money for cancer research honoring his Dad who passed away with colon cancer.

Now his purpose is to give strength to others to endure whatever our life maybe handing to us. Times today are tough and many are suffering from loss of income leading to loss of jobs and loss of our homes, loss of self-respect and dignity. Ben wants all of us to understand that we can endure through any pain and suffering we might be going through.

His swim across the largest ocean on the earth will begin in Tokyo and end in San Francisco. According to Wikipedia: The Pacific Ocean "covers about 46% of the Earth's water surface and about one-third of its total surface area, making it larger than all of the Earth's land area combined."

When you watch this Youtube video of Ben please consider Liking it and leaving a comment. Thank you.

If Ben is willing to do this for all of us surely we can endure and make it through whatever life hands us.

Please keep Ben in your thoughts and prayers.


Other resources:


3. Added on 3-19 Keep up with Ben's journey on Facebook at

Friday, March 9, 2012

Finding Joy

Finding Joy in our life can at times be a daunting task. I suggest it will stay that way if you lose hope in yourself.

Maybe you can find some joy and be persuaded to keep going by watching this presentation from Simple Truths. If you have to watch it several times. Clear your mind of everything else and concentrate on the beautiful music and pictures. Be at peace with yourself.

If you got something from this movie how about leaving me a comment below.


 hostgator coupon page

Friday, January 13, 2012

Journey Called Life

 A mouse looked through the crack in the wall
 to see the farmer and his wife open a package. 
"What food might this contain?"  The mouse wondered.
He was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.

Retreating to the farmyard,
the mouse proclaimed this warning :
 "There is a mousetrap in the house! 
There is a mousetrap in the house!"

The chicken clucked and scratched,
raised her head and said, "Mr. Mouse,
I can tell this is a grave concern to you,
but it is of no consequence to me. 
I cannot be bothered by it."

The mouse turned to the pig and told him,
"There is a mousetrap in the house! 
There is a mousetrap in the house!"
 The pig sympathized, but said,
"I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse,
but there is nothing I can do about it
but pray..
Be assured you are in my prayers."
The mouse turned to the cow and said,   
"There is a mousetrap in the house!
                 There is a mousetrap in the house!"               

The cow said, "Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you,
but it's no skin off my nose."

 So, the mouse returned to the house,
head down and dejected,
to face the farmer's mousetrap
. . . Alone.. .. .

That very night
a sound was heard throughout the house
 -- the sound Of a mousetrap catching its prey.
The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. 
In the darkness, she did not see it. 
It was a venomous snake
whose tail was caught in the trap.
The snake bit the farmer's wife.

 The farmer rushed her to the hospital.   
Then she returned home she still had a fever.
Everyone knows you treat a fever
with fresh chicken soup.
So the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard
for the soup's main ingredient:

But his wife's sickness continued. 
Friends and neighbors
came to sit  with her
around the clock. 
 To feed them,
                     the farmer butchered the pig.                   

But, alas,
the farmer's wife did not get well... 
                  She died.                
So many people came for her funeral
that the farmer had the cow slaughtered
to provide enough meat for all of them
for the funeral luncheon. 
And the mouse looked upon it all
from his crack in the wall
with great sadness.  

So, the next time you hear
someone is facing a problem
and you think it doesn't concern you,
remember ---
When one of us is threatened, we are all at risk.
We are all involved in this journey called life.
We must keep an eye out for one another
                     and make an extra effort to encourage one another.                    

Taken from an email I received.
